I am organizing a postcard exhibit with the theme, "I Do Believe," on opinions about abortion. The woman’s right to abortion in the United States became Federal law on January 22, 1973 through the Supreme Court Case, Roe v. Wade. Individual states could no longer have their own laws that would contradict the provisions of this Supreme Court decision. But the passage of Roe v. Wade did not put the issue of abortion rights to rest. Recent cases under review in the Supreme Court may change or overturn abortion rights in many States. There are widespread disagreements among United States politicians, media, and citizens about abortion. I would like to receive your personal point of view about this complex and difficult topic. I am seeking postcards with viewpoints on all sides of the abortion issue from artists and non-artists, in the US and overseas. The purpose of this exhibition is to share beliefs, opinions and experiences on all sides of this issue. For more information and to participate, go here: littlemailbox.blogspot.com/2022/01/call-for-art-i-do-believe-postcard-show.html
I belong to a monthly group called Collage-a-Rama that meets in our gallery once a month to make collages. We haven't had many physical gatherings in the last couple of years because of Covid and various other reasons. We do an annual show and it's coming up in April. The group decided to do a group project called "Cut Along the Dotted Line." We made 6x6 inch collages on board, that will be displayed together. Mine are made with old calendar pages, cardboard houses, political posters and origami and the quote is by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
useful things
white marker, double-sided tape, scissors, black paint, glue stick archives
December 2024
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