The name "Eleuthera" is derived from the feminine form of the Greek adjective, “eleutheros,” or "free".
In “Eleuthera,” the mermaid form symbolizes the free-spirited chinook salmon that migrate from the rivers of California and Washington State into the Pacific Ocean and back again during their life-cycles. Where they were abundant in the past, their numbers have dwindled from water pollution, drought, construction, and over-fishing. The Mermaid Eleuthera embodies the freedom and the fighting spirit of these wild salmon. Her sleek body is luminous and ephemeral, right down to the tips of her rosy peach tail. The waves of the ocean falling from her waist are created from topographical maps of the Pacific Coast. The pearl necklace and drops of pearls mixed with the ocean waves are created from the pages of “The Odyssey” and “Moby Dick,” both tales of heroic oceanic voyages. The blue butterflies rising from her bodice represent the hopes of generations of travelers, whether insect, fish or human, that migrate vast distances to seek freedom and a continuation of their species. May the shimmering spirit of Eleuthera, and the freedom she promises, continue to guide them safely on their precious journey.
Amaterasu & Califia
This work brings together two mythic female figures that form the origin myths of Japan and California: Sun Goddess Amaterasu and Califia, the warrior queen of California. I embrace the duality of my cultures and belief systems through these two wild and powerful figures.
2022 papier mache, silicone, artifical plants, snake sheddings, acrylics, faric, fake hair on wood panels, 48 x 24 inches