falling sick on a journey my dreams gallop round and around in withered fields
2012 - 2014, installation. Wind traveler is an installation in memory of a good friend and journalist who died of untreated breast cancer. She documented works of obscure but brilliant women artists and artisans in remote corners of the world. Though hard-pressed financially, she never let the lack of funds stop her from traveling and writing about interesting people. This work is based on her article about the Breast Festival in Tono, Japan. The calligraphy is Basho's last Haiku which my friend quoted in a letter near the end of her life. I have created this installation three times. The first was created on September 11, 2012 before my friend passed away, for a land art project in Pescadero. The second was created in 2013 for a memorial exhibit titled "Alabaster Blast" in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The third was created in 2014 for an exhibition titled "Half the Sky," in Shenyang, China. In all three exhibits, the work was intentionally destroyed, either by the elements, by burning or tearing apart. This honored my friend's Buddhist belief about the impermanence of material objects.